Top 581 jest open source projects

Jest Marbles
Helpers library for marbles testing with Jest
Alias Hq
The end-to-end solution for configuring, refactoring, maintaining and using path aliases
Hacker News Resolve
React & Redux & Resolve implementation of Hacker News
Babel Test
An opinionated library to make testing babel plugins easier.
Gatsby Themes
Get high-quality and customizable Gatsby themes to quickly bootstrap your website! Choose from many professionally created and impressive designs with a wide variety of features and customization options.
Use Jest or Chai to assert that HTTP responses satisfy an OpenAPI spec
Jest Action
Wraps and install Jest test runner in a github action.
🦑 Easy automatic (headless) browser testing with Jest's API, but powered by Karma & Webpack.
Eslint Plugin Jest Formatting
ESLint rules for formatting test suites written for jest.
Generator Rn Toolbox
The React Native Generator to bootstrap your apps
Lwc Recipes
A collection of easy-to-digest code examples for Lightning Web Components on Salesforce Platform
React Native Template Typescript
👾 Clean and minimalist React Native template for a quick start with TypeScript.
Free, open source mental health communication web app to share experiences with loved ones
Expect Playwright
Jest utility matcher functions to simplify expect statements for the usage with Playwright.
Ngrx Testing
Testing NgRx with jest and jasmine-marbles
React Adventure
⛰ React high-ending architecture & patterns ready for use. Made for big and small projects. PWA Ready.
Svelte Jester
A Jest transformer for Svelte - compile your components before importing them into tests.
Jest Sonar Reporter
A Sonar test reporter for Jest.
Nuxt Jest Puppeteer
🚀 Nuxt.js zero configuration tests, run with Jest and Puppetter
Craco Alias
A craco plugin for automatic aliases generation for Webpack and Jest
Testing Jest Enzyme
List of components and tests for post "React Components Testing with Jest & Enzyme"
React Boilerplate
Production-ready boilerplate for building universal web apps with React and Redux
Js Toolbox
CLI tool to simplify the development of JavaScript apps/libraries with little to no configuration. (WORK IN PROGRESS/PACKAGE NOT PUBLISHED).
Node Typescript Boilerplate
Minimalistic project template to jump start a Node.js back-end application in TypeScript. ESLint, Jest and type definitions included.
Aws Testing Library
Chai ( and Jest ( assertions for testing services built with aws
Learn Nuxt Ts
Testing TypeScript for Nuxt
Vue Pomo
A progressive web app for the Pomodoro Technique, built with Vue 2.0, Vuex and Firebase.
A universal GUI for unit testing
Typescript Node Rest Starter
Simple starter template for building NODE REST API's using TypeScript
Parcel Vue Ts
📦 Boilerplate for Vue.js & Typescript, base on Parcel bundler.
Graphql Query Test Mock
Easily mock GraphQL queries in your Relay Modern / Apollo / any-other-GraphQL-client tests.
Todoist Js
!! OBSOLETE !! The (un)official Todoist javascript API library
Express Bookshelf Realworld Example App
🐳 An Express and Bookshelf based backend implementation of the RealWorld API Spec.
Koa2 API template with passport, GraphQL, flowtype, knex and more.
Zero-config CLI for TypeScript package development
🚀 NLW #4 | React+ TypeScript + NextJS + StyledComponents + Firebase + MongoDb +Axios
React Boilerplate
⚛ The stable base upon which we build our React projects at Mirego.
Bs Enzyme
Bucklescript bindings for Enzyme
Jest To Match Shape Of
A Jest matcher to verify the shape of an object. Makes integration testing simple.
React Equalizer
Pure React Match Height Component
Eslint Import Resolver Jest
🃏 Jest import resolution plugin for eslint-plugin-import
Jest Pytest
A Jest and Pytest integration made in heaven 💖
Enzyme Matchers
Jasmine/Jest assertions for enzyme