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Top 437 material-ui open source projects

With MaterialTimelineView you can easily create a material looking timeline.
Material Auto Rotating Carousel
Introduce users to your app with this Material-style carousel.
Admin On Rest
A frontend framework for building admin SPAs on top of REST services, using React and Material Design.
Unofficial Implementation of Material Studies
Library Assistant
Modern Library Management Software using JavaFX
🏗️MSON Lang: Generate an app from JSON
A search view that implements a floating search bar also known as persistent search
Angular Material Dashboard
A material-design dashboard by using angular
Port of Material-UI in C# for Blazor
Material Ui Dropzone
A Material-UI file upload dropzone
Next Shopify Storefront
🛍 A real-world Shopping Cart built with TypeScript, NextJS, React, Redux, Apollo Client, Shopify Storefront GraphQL API, ... and Material UI.
React Crm
A reusable CRM project for real-world business based on React 16, Redux & Material-UI 4
React Material Ui Form Validator
Simple validator for forms designed with material-ui components.
A clone of Google Keep with its original Material Design aesthetics
Syncano Dashboard
The Syncano Dashboard built with React.
React Admin
A frontend Framework for building B2B applications running in the browser on top of REST/GraphQL APIs, using ES6, React and Material Design
Mdi Material Ui
Material-UI SvgIcon components for Material Design Icons.
Material Design 风格的 Vue.js UI 组件库
Material Table
Datatable for React based on material-ui's table with additional features
Personal Kanban
📌 Personal Kanban Board is an agile project management tool that helps you visualise your work, limit your work-in-progress (WIP) and to craft & optimise your work flow to get the maximum output. To achieve this, it makes use of columns and cards. Personal Kanban offers visual clue, columns, WIP limits, start point and end point to set you up for success.
Material Design implementation for Android 4.0+. Shadows, ripples, vectors, fonts, animations, widgets, rounded corners and more.
Material Ui Superselectfield
multiselection autocomplete dropdown component for Material-UI
Material first letter icon like lollipop contacts icon. Letter(s) on a shape drawn on canvas.
React Movies finder is a React app to search movies and series using redux, redux-thunk, React Hooks, and Material UI
Soft UI Dashboard React - Free Dashboard using React and Material UI
A platform to catch price drops while shopping online, powered by a browser extension, webapp, android app, and more
Soft UI Dashboard PRO React - Premium Dashboard using React and Material UI
Simple library to show a bottom sheet like Owl app from Material Design studies cases
Material Desgin for Collection Ecommerce - React Native UI Theme. It helps you create the collection screen quickly and professionally. It's easy to customize and develop.
Enterprise web application platform based on ReactJS
网易云音乐移动端【React/Next/Vue】【Ant Design/Material UI】
My personal website built, of course, with React
React GUI-Framework based on Material UI; provides a couple of components for back-office apps (CRUD-based APIs)
Google Photos Clone Built with React🚀 and Firebase🔥
CARTO for React. The best way to develop Location Intelligence (LI) Apps usign CARTO platform and React
a web app for sharing thoughts with friends
Material-ui integration with std:accounts-ui
Enhanced components for popular framework react-admin. Helps reducing the styling boilerplate code and eases layout customizations.
181-240 of 437 material-ui projects