Top 764 sass open source projects

Jekyll Assets
🎨 Asset pipelines for Jekyll.
Weui Sass
sass version for weui
React Frontend Dev Portfolio
Easy to adapt and deploy React portfolio inspired with solutions found at GitHub.
🍋 Minimal and responsive CSS framework for fast building websites.
💅Library with sass mixins to speed up your css workflow.
Snack Helper
🗃 A universal CSS helper library.
React 5ddm
5d动漫,使用React,服务端渲染,接口(不开源)来自赞片CMS。仅供参考,交流群:14646823 欢迎加入
Taro Music Ts
Calcite Bootstrap
A Calcite theme and a custom build system for building Bootstrap apps.
Reason App Shell Starter Kit
A simple App Shell starter kit that you can use to get started building your PWA with ReasonML & ReasonReact.
React Todo
ReactJS + CSS Modules + Sass + Blueprint
Responsive CSS, HTML and JavaScript front-end starting point.
Webxr Webpack Boilerplate
Starter Kit for building rich, immersive WebXR projects (featuring A-Frame) PWA with Webpack and SASS
RÖCSSTI : pour démarrer vos CSS avec la patate !
Create React Redux App
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App and Redux, Sass Structure.
Vue Spa
vue-spa : vue + vue-router + axios + vuex + vux 快速成型移动端项目,直接使用。欢迎star
Grunt Frontend Workflow
Structured, modular and test-driven front-end development and build workflow with Grunt task runner. Includes boilerplate code for Backbone with single/multipage RequireJS setup, and a RESTful API for prototyping.
Gravity Forms Scss
Sass styles for the Gravity Forms WordPress form builder plugin
Jekyll Bootstrap4
Bootstrap 4 with Jekyll minimalistic example site
Tris Webpack Boilerplate
A Webpack boilerplate for static websites that has all the necessary modern tools and optimizations built-in. Score a perfect 10/10 on performance.
🥑 Free data storage as a service that allows devs to store JSON for multiple apps & users. A good resource when building personal projects, apps for hackathons, and prototypes alike.
React/Redux + SASS + Gulp/Browserify/Babel skeleton codebase with demo application.
React Pwa Webpack Starter
Boilerplate to build a React PWA with Webpack + Workbox
Big Album Art
[RETIRED] A Flask app to display almost-fullscreen album art for your currently playing Spotify songs. Enjoy the visuals!
Use Sass/CSS + Pug + Node.js to generate beautiful static website.
Webpack React
📦 A sample project to demonstrate bundling ES6, React, SASS and Bootstrap with Webpack
Planet4 Master Theme
Wordpress master theme for the Greenpeace Planet 4 project
Angled Edges
📐 Quickly create angled section edges using only Sass
A Sass mixin to generate fully customizable, pure CSS3 loading/busy indicators
Alom is the lighest, simplest framework ever
💥 本仓库用于记录我的学习历程和学习笔记
Amsf Curtana
Default theme for AMSF (Almace Scaffolding)
✭ 30
Real Time Chat Frontend
Chat Frontend developed with React
Windows Theme
Repository for Windows 10 community subreddit stylesheet and its assets.
UI components Library with Vue.js (Moe is Justice!!!)
✭ 28
Three Dots
🔮 CSS loading animations made by single element.
React Toggle Switch Demo
Source code for a simple demo app showing how to build a custom toggle switch for React applications.
Hive Framework
A website development framework built with Sass, and incorporating jQuery UI.
Sass Webpack Plugin
[Deprecated] 🌈 Get your stylesheets together
Easily create front-end style guides with Markdown and Sass/SCSS.
Webpack2 Express Heroku Starter
Starter app using Webpack 2, Express, setup to deploy to Heroku.
A sass mixin to make responsive typography easy
It's a flat, fast and powerful front-end framework for rapid web development.
Hylia is a lightweight Eleventy starter kit to help you to create your own blog or personal website.
✭ 847