Top 1687 ui open source projects

Flutter Login Page 3
Flutter Beautiful Login Page UI/UX design and Animation - day 14 Flutter Animation and UI Design.
A Generic Low-Code Framework Built on a Config-Driven Tree Walker
A slide button to swipe to confirm
Entityframework Reverse Poco Generator Ui
A simple UI to allow you to easily select which tables you want the EntityFramework Reverse POCO Code First Generator to use.
Flutter event app
Flutter Event app UI design from Dribbble
Ui Challenges
UI challenges by Semicolon, we accept challenges on twitter on #SemicolonChallenge
☀️ Nepxion DiscoveryUI is a web & desktop UI for Nepxion Discovery with service governance, blue green and gray release orchestration, modelling, flow inspection 服务治理、蓝绿灰度发布编排建模、流量侦测的前端
Event driven, easy-to-use button library for P5.js 👆
Flutter swipe action cell
A flutter UI package provides ListView leading and trailing swipe action menu.
Taskbar Groups
Lightweight utility for organizing the taskbar through groups
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Flutter Property Finder
A property search app created using flutter
Android library to create buttons with Twitter's heart like animation.
Generic Mac OS X menu bar app (agent) template
Rendered components for an easier declaration of SkiaSharp rendering.
The button which can use with icon, text, divider, custom ripple effect, border, corner radius e.t.c.
Paging view controller and scroll tab view
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React Native Responsive Screen
Make React Native views responsive for all devices with the use of 2 simple methods
Hashi Ui
A modern user interface for @hashicorp Consul & Nomad
UI automated testing framework (and examples), suitable for Web, Android, iOS, H5, and supports Android performance testing. UI自动化测试框架(及示例),适用于Web、Android、iOS、H5,并支持android性能数据的收集
Integration Patterns
Example for UI-based integration of microservices
Moviebookingui Android
This is a concept of fetching a user's cinema show details like venue, movie, date & showtime before allowing him to place a cinema F&B order.
Android ViewServer client
Modular and light-weight selection library
Costar stack
Integrated ROS capabilities for planning, predicate inference, gripper control, and perception for use with the KUKA LBR IIWA and Universal Robots.
Purescript Halogen Example
Sample halogen app that uses a few DSLs within the application's free monad
A modern CSS framework for developing powerful web interfaces faster and easier.
Library to create custom UI's in MCPE 1.2+
Javascript React Chat App
Open-source Voice & Video Calling and Text Chat App for React (JavaScript/Web)
Material like loading indicator sample for iOS.
Any Ui
❄️ 一个移动端组件库
A cohesive design system & Vue component library to unify the web-facing Creative Commons
Android validation library which helps developer boil down the tedious work to three easy steps.
Youtube Play Icon
Material style morphing play-pause drawable for Android
Facebook Messenger clone built with Jetpack Compose
A jQuery library for building user interfaces
SnackUI 🍑 - the final React style library. With an *optimizing compiler* that lets you write views naturally, with easier DX, working on native and web at once, all while being faster than hand-rolling your own CSS.
Open Semantic Search Apps
Python/Django based webapps and web user interfaces for search, structure (meta data management like thesaurus, ontologies, annotations and named entities) and data import (ETL like text extraction, OCR and crawling filesystems or websites)
Open Ui
Maintain an open standard for UI and promote its adherence and adoption.
Monster Ui
The JavaScript framework to leverages the power of Kazoo
Lofocats ui
LofoCats UI is a simple web application consuming the LofoCats API, built with Ruby on Rails 🐱
Vital Ui Kit
簡單、輕量級、模組化的 UI library (React component can be found in README)
An easy to use Image Viewer that is inspired by Facebook
A declarative Unix terminal UI programming library written in Haskell
💂 Tracking UIKit access on main thread
Ngui Cocos Creator Convertor
Unity Ngui制作的UI prefab转换成CocosCreator prefab工具
Phonenumberverificationui Android
Check out the new style for mobile number verification 😉😉😊😊
Fancytoast Android
Make your native android Toasts Fancy. A library that takes the standard Android toast to the next level with a variety of styling options. Style your toast from code.
choo architecture without a renderer
Generate mind maps easily in your android app.
Tap water
【声明:未发布前,勿使用,勿star,预计2020年11月底发布】Flutter tab_bar组件,支持中间带加号按钮的TabBar,支持Lottie动画。iTeaTime(技术清谈)团队出品。Highly customizable tabBar and tabBarController for Flutter
Aws Power Tuner Ui
AWS Lambda Power Tuner UI is an open source project creating a deployable easy to use website built on a layered technology stack allowing you to optimize your Lambda functions for cost and/or performance in a data-driven way via an easy to use UI.
📺 tvOS '... More' Button