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Top 990 express open source projects

Manual Node
📗 📒 (PT-BR Tradução) 2020 Edition - Tradução por Christy e Vinicius Dias (
☁️ Spring like framework build with Typescript
Bandwidth Hero Proxy
⚡️ Proxy that compresses images to low-resolution
React Express Starter
A starter kit for React applications with a back end server all in the same project
🙋travelib-node 流动图书Node.js后端
Express Routemap
Display all your express routes in the terminal!
A fully-featured GraphQL interface for the MusicBrainz API.
Express Env Example
A sample express environment that is well architected for scale. Read about it here:
Nodejs Notes App
A web app to create notes, and save it using Mongodb, plus authentication using passport.
Typescript Express Sequelize
Easily bootstrap your NodeJS project with Express, Sequelize and Typescript 👍
An unopinionated authentication library for building Node.js APIs.
Electrode Csrf Jwt
Stateless Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection with JWT
Hot Reload All The Things
Starter project for HMR with backend routes and server/client-side react.
Express' application generator
Java Express
🧪 HTTP Framework based on expressjs, no dependencies, simple usage. Can be used to quickly spin up an API or serve local files.
Call My Congress
DEPRECATED. Simple app that displays contact information for US Congress representatives by district.
Resource Router Middleware
🚴 Express REST resources as middleware mountable anywhere
Simple and easy go task framework, support loop & cron & queue
Graphql Serverless
GraphQL (incl. a GraphiQL interface) middleware for the webfunc serverless web framework.
Node Rate Limiter Flexible
Node.js rate limit requests by key with atomic increments in single process or distributed environment.
Isomorphic Redux Cnode
Easily build a searchable documentation app using markdown files in your Github Repo or local Markdown files.
Easily generate .docx files with JS/TS with a nice declarative API. Works for Node and on the Browser.
Express Static Gzip
Simple wrapper on top of serveStatic, that allows serving pre-gzipped files as well as other types of compressions.
Heroes Angular Serverless
TypeScript Node/Express 👉TypeScript Serverless ➕Angular
Movie Website
🎬基于 Node.js + Express + mongoDB + Bootstrap 搭建的电影网站。
A middleware framework and persistence layer to aggregate and normalize crypto-currency data.
Node Frameworks Benchmark
Simple HTTP benchmark for different nodejs frameworks using wrk
React Antd Admin
GraphQL is a new way of communicating with your server. It eliminates the problems of over- and under-fetching, incorporates strong data types, has built-in introspection, documentation and deprecation capabilities, and is implemented in many programming languages. This all leads to gloriously low-latency user experiences, better developer experiences, and much increased productivity. Because of all this, GraphQL is typically used as a replacement for (or companion to) RESTful API services.
Circleci Demo Javascript Express
Sample Javascript/Express app building on CircleCI
Batcave client is chat app built with Electron and Angular2, with RxJS.
An organizational asset and vulnerability management tool, with Jira integration, designed for generating application security reports.
Node Hot Loader
Hot module replacement (hot reload) for Node.js applications. Develop without server restarting.
Mern Boilerplate
Fullstack boilerplate with React, Redux, Express, Mongoose, Passport Local, JWT, Facebook and Google OAuth out of the box.
Jade Html5 Boilerplate
HTML5 Boilerplate ported to Jade. Great as a drop and go markup skeleton for Express apps.
React Multi Email
A simple react component to format multiple email as the user types.
Nodejs Mysql Links
A CRUD Web Application with authentication using Nodejs, Mysql and other Javascript technologies
Webpack Hmr 3 Ways
Three ways to set up your webpack hot module replacement: webpack-dev-server CLI, webpack-dev-server API, and express with webpack-hot-middleware.
flowmaker: JS to SVG flowchart generation extension for Vscode in realtime written in typescript and also download the SVG through local node server. Extension:
Angular Seed Express
[DEPRECATED, Please use] Extensible, reliable and modular starter project for Angular 7 with statically typed build AoT compilation, Express server and PM2 Daemon.
Express Postgres Starter
A starter project for Node.js with Express and Postgres running on Docker Compose
Quick and Easy Web Development
Simple React Full Stack
Boilerplate to build a full stack web application using React, Node.js, Express and Webpack.
Netlify Functions Express
How to use Netlify functions + express.js for serverside rendering on the JAMStack
Express Jwt
An example API for creating/verifying json web tokens
Mean Stack JS - MongoDB, Express JS, Angular JS & Node JS
Vue2 Shop
A shop developed with Vue2 + Vue-router + Axios + Vuex + Node + Express + MongoDB + Webpack
Store Pos
Point of Sale Desktop App built with Electron
Art Template
High performance JavaScript templating engine