Top 1100 template open source projects

P5 Text Xslate
Scalable template engine for Perl5
✭ 117
Teacup is templates in CoffeeScript
Open React Template
A free React landing page template designed to showcase open source projects, SaaS products, online services, and more. Made by
Opencart Materialize
Template for OpenCart with Materialize
A draggable menu that shows a thumbnail preview of an image grid
MVP Android App Template Ultimate Android Template MVP // Dagger 2 // Boilerplate // Bootstrap // Bottom Navigation Menu Material Design
🏮 A Jinja2 + YAML based config templater.
Caldera allows you to create a boilerplate service that ready to run inside the container (Go language)
Eleventy template using Bootstrap, Sass, Webpack, Vue.js powered search, includes lots of other features
Jade Html5 Boilerplate
HTML5 Boilerplate ported to Jade. Great as a drop and go markup skeleton for Express apps.
Acme Assembly Vscode Template
A template for compiling 6502 assembly code with ACME in VSCode
Deprecated rust wasm template
Deprecated in favor of rustwasm/wasm-pack-template or rustwasm/rust-webpack-template
An heavily opinionated Eleventy template project
Cybernetically enhanced web apps
Cause Jekyll Template
🌷 Not for profit template for Jekyll
Algorithm templates
algorithm templates and leetcode examples in Python3, you can learn many python tricks too.
Terraform Multienv
A template for maintaining a multiple environments infrastructure with Terraform. This template includes a CI/CD process, that applies the infrastructure in an AWS account.
Es6 Webpack2 Starter
🚀 A template project for es6/7, webpack2/3, sass and postcss
Gin Template
golang template for gin framework!
Busbookingui Android
Check out the new style for App Design aims for the Bus Booking Service...😉😀😁😎
Vim Rnb
RNB, a Vim colorscheme template
I7j Pdfhtml
pdfHTML is an iText 7 add-on for Java that allows you to easily convert HTML and CSS into standards compliant PDFs that are accessible, searchable and usable for indexing.
Gatsby Starter Cv
A simple starter to get up and developing your digital curriculum with GatsbyJS
Gatsby Starter Saas Marketing
☁️ A simple one page marketing site starter for SaaS companies and indie hackers
Cloudflare Workers Webpack Boilerplate
A superbly simple, minimal-config template for building, bundling and deploying Cloudflare Workers with Webpack 🚀
Fable Elmish Electron Material Ui Demo
Complete boilerplate for Electron apps using Fable and Elmish with hot module reloading, time-travel debugging, etc.
Welcome to Gentelella - Responsive Bootstrap Admin Application based on the Foundation of Symfony and Gentelella!
React Native Template Mobx
A react-native template using advanced mobx Architecture
Universal Resume
Minimal and formal résumé (CV) website template for print, mobile, and desktop.
Cmake fortran template
A template directory structure for a Fortran project using CMake as the build system.
MailMergeLib is a mail message client library which provides comfortable mail merge capabilities for text, inline images and attachments, as well as good throughput and fault tolerance for sending mail messages.
A simple LaTeX package for Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM)
Based on bootstrap style, static page jump can also be asynchronous page processing pagination plugin
Vite Electron Builder
Electron app boilerplate based on Vite. TypeScript + Vue/React/Angular/Svelte/Vanilla
Flask Rest Template
template for a rest app with flask, flask-rest and more...
Generic Auto Updater
Generic Auto-Updater: a robust, user-friendly, clean and efficient Auto-Updater to maintain any client patched.
⏰ A straightforward date and time formatter in <1kb
Django Project Template
Thorgate's Django project template - Django, React, Sass, optional Docker and more
Go package for easily rendering JSON/XML data and HTML templates
✭ 92
The Art of Template MetaProgramming (TMP) in Modern C++♦️
Android project template for Gradle Kotlin DSL + 100% Kotlin + Base module + Extensions = ❤️
Ghost Theme Template
A project scaffold for building ghost themes using gulp, node-sass, & autoprefixer
Vertx Gradle Starter
Gradle project template for Vert.x
Rebecca is a readme generator for Go
Codrops Dropcast
a responsive HTML/CSS/Javascript template, comes with Sketch files and a fully working site with SCSS. It works very well for podcasts landing pages or blogs, and can be easily customized.
Portfolio Template
An Open-Sourced Template for developers to show-off there skills. Made with ReactJS
Erlang build tool that makes it easy to compile and test Erlang applications and releases.
181-240 of 1100 template projects