Top 2240 angular open source projects

Seed project for Angular Universal apps featuring Server-Side Rendering (SSR), Webpack, CLI scaffolding, dev/prod modes, AoT compilation, HMR, SCSS compilation, lazy loading, config, cache, i18n, SEO, and TSLint/codelyzer
Angular Folder Structure
The project is based on best practices from the community, other github Angular projects and developer experience from production Angular projects.
Content Loader
⚪️ SVG component to create placeholder loading, like Facebook cards loading.
Angular Pipes
Useful pipes for Angular
Redux Beacon
Analytics integration for Redux and ngrx/store
Angular Education
A list of helpful material to develop using Angular
Angular Modal Service
Modal service for AngularJS - supports creating popups and modals via a service.
Ngx Loading Bar
Automatic page loading / progress bar for Angular
Ui Grid
UI Grid: an Angular Data Grid
Flex Layout
Provides HTML UI layout for Angular applications; using Flexbox and a Responsive API
Ng Animate
🌙 A collection of cool, reusable and flexible animations for Angular 9+
Ng2 Semantic Ui
Semantic UI Angular Integrations (no jQuery)
Angular Learning Resources
Curated chronological list of learning resources for Angular, from complete beginner to advanced level
Ng Devui
华为云DevCloud,基于Angular的企业级前端组件库;DevUI components based on Angular
Jest Preset Angular
Jest configuration preset for Angular projects.
Angular Springboot Rest Jwt
Springboot, Angular and JWT security - Example Project based on Northwind Order Processing
Simple project to quickly start developing a Scala-based microservice or web application, without the need to write login, user registration etc.
Delon is a set of essential modules for ng-alain.
Learn Graphql
Real world GraphQL tutorials for frontend developers with deadlines!
Ngx Quicklink
Quicklink prefetching strategy for the Angular router
Angular Split
🍌 Angular UI library to split views and allow dragging to resize areas using CSS flexbox layout.
Angular 1 5 Components App
A Contacts Manager application built on Angular 1.5 components, ui-router 1.0.0, Firebase.
Angular Auth Oidc Client
npm package for OpenID Connect, OAuth Code Flow with PKCE, Refresh tokens, Implicit Flow
Angular Rails Templates
Use your angular templates with rails' asset pipeline
Learning Resources
"Technology Gold mine" to collect and share materials/resources
View the dependencies tree of you Angular application
Angular Contacts App Example
Full Stack Angular PWA example app with NgRx & NestJS
Angular2 Mdl
Angular 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 components, directives and styles based on material design lite (npm: @angular-mdl/core)
Angular Architecture
Examples of Angular Architecture Concepts
Angular Ui Notification
Angular.js service providing simple notifications using Bootstrap 3 styles with css transitions for animating
Clean Architecture Solution Template for .NET 6
Ngx Spinner
A library for loading spinner for Angular 4/5/6/7/8/9/10.
🔍 发现导航 , 一个非常强大的静态导航网站(支持SEO)
Customizable JSON Schema-based forms with React, Angular and Vue support out of the box.
Angular Mdc Web
Angular wrapper for Material Design (Web) Components
Angular Async Local Storage
Efficient local storage module for Angular apps and PWA: simple API + performance + Observables + validation
Angular Starter
⭐️ Gulp Angular Starter using TypeScript (Updated to 4.4.3)
✔️ 微信上的定时提醒 - Cron on WeChat
Angular Moment Picker
Angular Moment Picker is an AngularJS directive for date and time picker using Moment.js.
Soundnode App
Soundnode App is the Soundcloud for desktop. Built with Electron, Angular.js and Soundcloud API.
Angular Seed
🌱 [Deprecated] Extensible, reliable, modular, PWA ready starter project for Angular (2 and beyond) with statically typed build and AoT compilation
The easiest way to embed React components in Angular 1 apps.
Todo Angular Firebase
Todo app with Angular CLI • AngularFire2 • Firebase • OAuth • SW-Precache
961-1020 of 2240 angular projects