Top 1136 boilerplate open source projects

WordPlate is a wrapper around WordPress. It's like building any other WordPress website with themes and plugins. Just with sprinkles on top.
🏃 Iterators made easy! Zero cost abstractions for designing and using C++ iterators.
Element Ui Admin
基于 element-ui 的单页面后台管理项目模版
Dva Boot Admin
🍰 react admin dashboard ui LANIF-ADMIN --- react 16 + react-router 4 + dva 2 + antd 4 后台管理 脚手架
Jspm React
lightweight React.js ES6 boilerplate with JSPM and proper hot reloading modules
Node Flowtype Boilerplate
This boilerplate repository is outdated and no longer maintained. Instead, I strongly recommend to use TypeScript.
💡 A website and user system starter
Hapi Starter Kit
Hapi.js based REST boilerplate which uses latest ES7/ES8 features (async/await) with code coverage and follows best pratices
📖 FrontBook is a small and modern frontend boilerplate, enabling you to write ES201* today in production-ready projects.
Wild Next
Our next.js boilerplate with sane base configuration.
Kirby's sample site – the easiest way to get started with Kirby
Frontie Webpack
Front-end Boilerplate | Gulp 4 + Webpack 4 + Babel + ITCSS Architecture + BEM Methodology + Twig.js
Cloudflare Workers Webpack Boilerplate
A superbly simple, minimal-config template for building, bundling and deploying Cloudflare Workers with Webpack 🚀
Fable Elmish Electron Material Ui Demo
Complete boilerplate for Electron apps using Fable and Elmish with hot module reloading, time-travel debugging, etc.
Oh My Fullstack
🚀 Full stack web application skeleton (Next.js, Redux, RxJS, Immutable, Express)
Phaser Ts Boilerplate
The boilerplate for Phaser 2 we use internally at Azerion
Converting a MySQL database'schema to a RESTful golang APIs app in the fastest way
Vite Electron Builder
Electron app boilerplate based on Vite. TypeScript + Vue/React/Angular/Svelte/Vanilla
Flask Rest Template
template for a rest app with flask, flask-rest and more...
Chrome Extension Webpack Boilerplate
A basic foundation boilerplate for rich Chrome Extensions using Webpack to help you write modular and modern Javascript code, load CSS easily and automatic reload the browser on code changes.
Redux Boilerplate Helpers
AST-based tool for automating Redux boilerplate
Rest Nestjs Postgres
CrudJS implemented as a REST API, using Nest.js and Postgres
Nice Parser
Nice parsers in OCaml without the boilerplate
Rust graphql api boilerplate
A Boilerplate of GraphQL API built in Rust + Warp + Juniper + Diesel
Testing Hapi
Hapi style guide compliant boilerplate (updated to v17!)
Boilerplate App
A curated directory of boilerplates to help you start your projects!
Cookiecutter Fastapi
Cookiecutter template for FastAPI projects using: Machine Learning, Poetry, Azure Pipelines and Pytests
Angular Boilerplate
An opinionated boilerplate project for AngularJS applications, crafted with best practices in mind.
Webpack Defaults
Defaults to be shared across webpack projects
Surveyjs react quickstart
React QuickStart Boilerplate - SurveyJS: Survey Library and Survey Creator
Gatsby Starter Procyon
An opinionated Gatsby starter designed for trash-eating pandas.
Expo Boilerplate
React Native/Expo starting boilerplate with basic features (auth, tabs, i18n, redux, validation, notifications)
Android Base
Android Clean Architecture MVP RESTful client template app
Cra Boilerplate
Up to date: This project is an Create React App - v2.1.1 boilerplate with integration of Redux, React Router, Redux thunk & Reactstrap(Bootstrap v4)
Phaser3 Tilemap Pack
Phaser 3 Project Template with Webpack, Tilemap, and Asset Pack
ProMotion is a RubyMotion gem that makes iPhone development less like Objective-C and more like Ruby. Star this repo to keep tabs on our progress!
✭ 1,274
Rails React Boilerplate
Ruby on Rails, React, Webpack 4 boilerplate app.
Vue Typescript
vue2.x typescript template
Re Start
react-native template to target multiple platforms 🌐 📱 💻 with single codebase.
⚡️ boilerplate template manager that generates files or directories from template repositories
React Redux Saucepan
A minimal and universal react redux starter project. With hot reloading, linting and server-side rendering
Nodejs Starter
Nodejs Starter - Open-Source Javascript Boilerplate | AppSeed
Nest Hackathon Starter
Hackathon starter project for NestJS. Includes TypeORM, email verification, Passport-JWT authentication, Swagger and more
Tailwind Boilerplate
Tailwind CSS + Vite Boilerplate
Easypermissions Android
A simple library that will remove all the boilerplate code and speed up your work with new Runtime Permissions introduced in Android M.
The Ultimate Boilerplate
webpack 2, react hotloader 3, react router v4, code splitting and more
React Ssr Boilerplate
A boilerplate for server-side rendered React Applications. Includes local auth and GitHub Oauth 2 strategies.
Preact Redux Isomorphic
preact-redux-isomorphic PWA SPA SSR best practices and libraries in under 80kB page size (for live demo click the link below)
241-300 of 1136 boilerplate projects