Top 398 gulp open source projects

Nusmods Api
National University of Singapore Modules API (Unofficial)
Jekyll Boilerplate
Helpful files to get started working on a new Jekyll website
📄 Simple blog platform based on Egg.js
Docker Compose Nodejs Examples
Finally some real world examples on getting started with Docker Compose and Nodejs
Full-contained static site workflow
CSS3 Animations with special effects
Angular websockets security
AngularJS, Websockets, Restful, Spring, Spring Security, Hibernate, Bootstrap, Gulp in ES6, Maven
Use Gulp
✭ 858
Gulp Xslt
XSLT transformation plugin for gulp
Generator Gulp Express Webapp
Yeoman generator for building a simple web app using express + gulp. This project contains proper project and build structure to be easily extensible.
Gulp Boilerplate
A boilerplate for building web projects with Gulp.js.
Gulp Frontnote
Gulp Jsonlint
🔍 jsonlint plugin for Gulp
Web Fonts Generator Service
web font生成器:based on TTFRender, gulp-ttf2woff, and NodeJS. 简化中文字体定制。
Just Task
Elegant javascript tasks
Starter kit and delivery system for building static prototypes with Twig
A command line application that let's you initialize your new projects the right way, replaces npm and yarn's init 🎆
Markup builder on gulp
Nice Front End Tutorial
🌍 Constantly updated front-end resources, tutorials, opinions(与时俱进版前端资源,教程和意见。)
Sassy Starter
🎉 Sassy starter - HTML / SCSS (SMACSS)
Generator Ng Fullstack
Client, server or fullstack - it's up to you. ng-fullstack gives you the best of the latest.
Wordpress Gulp Starter Kit
[NOT MAINTAINED] A starter kit for developing WordPress themes with Gulp.
Gulp Clean Css
Minify css with clean-css.
Vue Chat
📲 A web chat application. Vue + node(koa2) + Mysql +
Frontend Cheat Sheets
Collection of cheat sheets(HTML, CSS, JS, Git, Gulp, etc.,) for your frontend development needs & reference
Nth Start Project
Startkit for HTML / CSS / JS pages layout.
Awesome Gulp
🍹 A curated list of awesome gulp resources, plugins, and boilerplates for a better development workflow automation -
A delicious blend of gulp tasks combined into a configurable asset pipeline and static site builder
Fiercely quick front-end boilerplate and workflows, HTML5, Gulp, Sass
A super simple flat file generator.
Angular Starter
⭐️ Gulp Angular Starter using TypeScript (Updated to 4.4.3)
Gulp Nodemon
gulp + nodemon + convenience
Gulp Angular Templatecache
Concatenates and registers AngularJS templates in the $templateCache.
Gulp Pug
Gulp plugin for compiling Pug templates
Gulp Responsive
gulp-responsive generates images at different sizes
Gulp Shell
A handy command line interface for gulp
Purpleadmin Free Admin Template
Purple Admin is one of the most stylish Bootstrap admin dashboard you can get hands on. With its beautifully crafted captivating design and well-structured code.
🏀 A lightweight front-end framework for creating scalable, responsive sites. Version 8 has just been released!
Neumorphism Ui Bootstrap
Neumorphism inspired UI Kit: web components, sections and pages in neumorphic style built with Bootstrap CSS Framework
meanTorrent - MEAN.JS BitTorrent Private Tracker - Full-Stack JavaScript Using MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js, A BitTorrent Private Tracker CMS with Multilingual, and IRC announce support, CloudFlare support. Demo at:
Made Mistakes Jekyll
Source for my website and blog (Jekyll + Gulp + Netlify)
🎬视频网站项目已实现功能: 首页导航栏,中部轮播图,以及电影列表的展现,底部导航链接 注册页面 视频播放页面 搜索页面 登录页面 用户管理页面 一键安装 电影抓取 等功能。基于NodeJS的Express框架开发的动态网站项目,下面也提供了本程序的相关演示站点。
Pixel Bootstrap Ui Kit
Pixel UI - Free and open source Bootstrap 5 UI Kit without jQuery
Gulp Git
Git plugin for gulp (
Gulp Awspublish
gulp plugin to publish files to amazon s3
King Admin
Vinyl Ftp
Blazing fast vinyl adapter for FTP
121-180 of 398 gulp projects