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Top 326 unit-testing open source projects

Django Jenkins
Plug and play continuous integration with django and jenkins
Haxe Doctest
A haxelib inspired by Python's doctest command that generates unit tests based on assertions specified within the source code.
CppUTest unit testing and mocking framework for C/C++
Machine.Specifications is a Context/Specification framework for .NET that removes language noise and simplifies tests.
Runtime introspection and unit testing of SwiftUI views
A faster, simpler way to drive browsers supporting the Chrome DevTools Protocol.
An R 📦 to make testing 😀
A lightweight library to simplify and generalize the process of writing unit tests for C applications.
Ios Mvp Clean Architecture
Demo iOS application built to highlight MVP (Model View Presenter) and Clean Architecture concepts
Visual Studio Test Platform is the runner and engine that powers test explorer and vstest.console.
Php Censor
PHP Censor is an open source self-hosted continuous integration server for PHP projects.
Kotlin Coroutines Android Examples
Learn Kotlin Coroutines for Android by Examples. Learn how to use Kotlin Coroutines for Android App Development.
Otj Pg Embedded
Java embedded PostgreSQL component for testing
Java Dns Cache Manipulator
🌏 A simple 0-dependency thread-safe Java™ lib/tool for setting dns programmatically without touching host file, make unit/integration test portable.
Jasmine Matchers
Write Beautiful Specs with Custom Matchers for Jest and Jasmine
Platformio Core
PlatformIO is a professional collaborative platform for embedded development 👽 A place where Developers and Teams have true Freedom! No more vendor lock-in!
UT: C++20 μ(micro)/Unit Testing Framework
Modern and extensible testing framework for Haskell
A smooth testing lib for F#. APIs made for humans! Strong testing methodologies for everyone!
System Rules
A collection of JUnit rules for testing code which uses java.lang.System.
Xcode-like HTML report for Unit and UI Tests
Electron Nuxt
⚡ An Electron & Nuxt.js / Vue.js quick start boilerplate with vue-cli scaffolding, electron-builder, unit/e2e testing, vue-devtools
Service Pattern Go
Simple clean Go REST API architecture with dependency injection and mocking example, following SOLID principles.
VUnit is a unit testing framework for VHDL/SystemVerilog
Ionic 2 + @angular/cli Seed Project : Angular2 + Typescript + Karma + Protractor + Travis
Bash unit
bash unit testing enterprise edition framework for professionals
A testing library for Blazor Components. You can easily define components under test in C# or Razor syntax and verify outcome using semantic HTML diffing/comparison logic. You can easily interact with and inspect components, trigger event handlers, provide cascading values, inject services, mock IJSRuntime, and perform snapshot testing.
Implemented using Clean Arch, MVVM, LiveData, Room, Koin, Coil, Service, Notification and ExoPlayer
Data Driven Web Apps With Flask
Course demo code and other hand-out materials for our data-driven web apps in Flask course
Unit Testing Tips
Unit testing tips by examples in PHP
LuaUnit is a popular unit-testing framework for Lua, with an interface typical of xUnit libraries (Python unittest, Junit, NUnit, ...). It supports several output formats (Text, TAP, JUnit, ...) to be used directly or work with Continuous Integration platforms (Jenkins, Maven, ...).
Pg Mem
An in memory postgres DB instance for your unit tests
Pytest Flask
A set of pytest fixtures to test Flask applications
Eth Gas Reporter
Gas usage per unit test. Average gas usage per method. A mocha reporter.
Data-driven unit testing for Jasmine, Mocha, and Jest
The fastest feature-rich C++11/14/17/20 single-header testing framework
Unmock Plugin
Gradle plugin to be used in combination with the new unit testing feature of the Gradle Plugin / Android Studio to use real classes for e.g. SparseArray.
A convenient mocking framework for Swift
🏝 automated contract testing via type checking for Elixir functions and mocks
Vue Testing Examples
Advanced testing with vuejs. When you need to go beyond Getting started section and see some real world example with everything that proper tests should have.
TvFlix android app using Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, KTX, Jetpack(Room, ViewModel, Paging3, Lifecycle) based on MVVM architecture purely written in Kotlin
Tester: enjoyable unit testing in PHP with code coverage reporter. 🍏🍏🍎🍏
Clean C++ project for you to use. Features: Modern CMake, CPack, Doxygen, PlantUML, Catch Unit testing, static analysis
Awesome Unit Testing Swift
A curated collection of awesome blog articles, books, talks, podcasts, tools/frameworks and examples.
121-180 of 326 unit-testing projects