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Top 1949 webpack open source projects

Jhipster Microservices Example
JHipster Microservices Example using Spring Cloud, Spring Boot, Angular, Docker, and Kubernetes
Use modern JavaScript build system in Rails.
Art Template
High performance JavaScript templating engine
Ng Boot Oauth
oauth2 demo with angularjs and springboot
Stack Source Map
Add source map support for error stack (Chrome only)
Simple React Calendar
A simple react based calendar component to be used for selecting dates and date ranges
Gas Webpack Plugin
Webpack plugin for Google Apps Script
Serve webpack assets properly from golang frameworks
Fork Ts Checker Webpack Plugin
Webpack plugin that runs typescript type checker on a separate process.
Redux Cnode
A recipe for using Buffalo & Vue.js
React From Scratch
Building a Modern React App from Scratch in 2021
A handy static site generator using React.js
⚛️ – :atom: – ⚛️ Boilerplate for cross platform web/native react apps with electron.
🚀 Jetpack – Webpack made more convenient.
Chrome Extension Webpack Boilerplate
A basic foundation boilerplate for rich Chrome Extensions using Webpack to help you write modular and modern Javascript code, load CSS easily and automatic reload the browser on code changes.
Fontmin Webpack
Minifies icon fonts to just the used glyphs.
Fe Interview
🔥🔥🔥 前端面试,独有前端面试题详解,前端面试刷题必备,Html、Css、JavaScript、Vue、React、Node、TypeScript、Webpack、算法、网络与安全、浏览器
Webpack Core Usage
Import Three Examples
this is webpack plugin, It was created to solve the problem of threeJs modular development.
Cloudflare Typescript Workers
Types and mocks for building a tested Typescript Cloudflare Worker, generates three NPM packages
Npm Pipeline Rails
Use npm as part of your Rails asset pipeline
Cypress Webpack Preprocessor
Cypress preprocessor for bundling JavaScript via webpack
Xyy Vue
Django Project Template
Thorgate's Django project template - Django, React, Sass, optional Docker and more
React Redux Starter Kit
Modular starter kit for React+Redux+React Router projects.
Css Modules Flow Types
Creates flow type definitions from CSS Modules files using Webpack loader or CLI 👾
Angular2 Seed
Seed project to run angular2 out of the box, integrated with wepack and babel
Angular Webpack Starter
🌟 Angular Webpack Starter with AoT compilation, Lazy-loading, Tree-shaking, and Hot Module Reload (Updated to 4.1.0!)
Epub Manga Creator
a web GUI for create japanese epub manga
Webpack Concat Plugin
a plugin to help webpack to concat file and inject to html
Awesome Coding Javascript
📌 持续构建个人的源码库(JavaScript 原生、常用库、数据结构、算法)
React Atomic Structure
Basic Structure for React app following Atomic Design
Vue Lottery
🎨 抽奖以及截屏保存图片至本地
Grow Loader
A webpack loader to split class methods by decorators
Yipack Cli
Karma Webpack Example
Karma + Webpack + Mocha + Chai + Istanbul
Docker Django Example
A production ready example Django app that's using Docker and Docker Compose.
Cookiecutter Webpack
Boilerplate for webpack 2, babel, react + redux + hmr, and karma. Can be inserted into existing django projects.
Ngc Webpack
Angular compiler-cli with webpack's loader chain.
A lightweight CRM Web Application builds with a clean modern architecture and technology
Hybrid Crypto Js
RSA+AES hybrid encryption implementation for JavaScript. Works with Node.js, React Native and modern browsers.
Accounts Ui account management application
Phaser3 Tilemap Pack
Phaser 3 Project Template with Webpack, Tilemap, and Asset Pack
👫 A webpack and react solutionly tool
React Dashboard
🔥React Dashboard - isomorphic admin dashboard template (React.js, Bootstrap, Node.js, GraphQL, React Router, Babel, Webpack, Browsersync) 🔥
481-540 of 1949 webpack projects