Top 9846 react open source projects

Canvas Sketch
App to sketch out a business model canvas
React Spinners Css
Amazing collection of React spinners components with pure css
Electron React Webpack
Electron + React 16 + Webpack 4 template with ES6, JSX and hot reloading.
Styled Components Breakpoint
Utility function for using breakpoints with styled-components 💅.
Elm Ts
A porting to TypeScript featuring fp-ts, rxjs6 and React
Unstated Debug
Debug your Unstated containers with ease
Prisma Ecommerce
💰A graphql e-commerce real-world fullstack example (backoffice included)
React Dropdown Select
Customisable dropdown select for react
Use Ssr
☯️ React hook to determine if you are on the server, browser, or react native
React Svg Inline
DEPRECATED, I recommend you the tool SVGR
🌏 📊 ol3Echarts | a openlayers extension to echarts
5th generation CSS-in-JS library
Tflite React Native
React Native library for TensorFlow Lite
Use Position
🌍 React hook usePosition() for fetching and following a browser geolocation
React Animated Slider
Animated slider/carousel component for react
React Scroll Shadow
Pure CSS shadow to indicate more content in scrollable area
Webpack 4 Quickstart
Webpack 4 tutorial: All You Need to Know, from 0 Conf to Production Mode
The easiest way to develop and release Gutenberg blocks (components) for WordPress
Style Sheet
⚡️💨 Fast styles in JavaScript with support for static CSS extraction.
React World
✨🌌 A different web experience in 8 bit React.js World
Yandex Ui
Yandex UI Kit build on React and bem-react
Neo4j Movies Template
A Neo4j movies React application with backends in Python/Flask and Node/Express.
Angular, Vue, React, Web Components, Blazor, Javascript, jQuery and ASP .NET Framework,
Journal Aws Amplify Tutorial
Step by step tutorial to build a personal journal web app with aws-amplify
React Firestore
React components to fetch data from firestore using render props
Frontmatter Markdown Loader
📝 Webpack Loader for: FrontMatter (.md) -> HTML + Attributes (+ React/Vue Component)
Pixel-perfect Discord chat widgets for your website 💬
Next Ga
Next.js HOC to integrate Google Analytics on every page change
React Hooks Helper
A custom React Hooks library that gives you custom hooks for your code.
Terrain Builder
🏔 Procedural terrain using Three.js and perlin noise, Now Accelerated by your GPU!
Reactive Resume
A one-of-a-kind resume builder that keeps your privacy in mind. Completely secure, customizable, portable, open-source and free forever. Try it out today!
Re Carousel
Minimal carousel component for React.
React H5 Audio Player
React audio player component with UI. It provides time indicator on both desktop and mobile devices.
Basic Electron React Boilerplate
Minimal and modern react+electron+webpack boilerplate
Tomato Work
🍅 Tomato Work for React 个人事务管理系统
Laravel React Blog
基于 Laravel 5.5 和 React 的个人博客系统
React Native Dynamic Search Bar
Medium Article:
Next Starter Tailwind
Next.js starter styled with Tailwind CSS
React Progressive Bg Image
🖼 Medium style progressive background image.
Self-hosted retro tool aimed at helping remote teams
React Worker Image
React component to fetch image resources via web workers 🤖🤖
React Server-Side Rendering Example
Narative builds brands, websites and products for growth-minded companies.
React Multi Page App
🍡 react multi page app/react多页面应用
React Conf 2018
React Conf 2018 Source Code for "Moving to Suspense" Demo