Top 555 example open source projects

Store all egg examples in one place
Fork of dotnet-architecture/eShopOnContainers in full DDD/CQRS design using my own patterns
Midway Examples
show midway examples
Opengl cmake skeleton
❤️ A ready to use cmake skeleton using GLFW, Glew and glm. 👍
Examples Of Web Crawlers
一些非常有趣的python爬虫例子,对新手比较友好,主要爬取淘宝、天猫、微信、豆瓣、QQ等网站。(Some interesting examples of python crawlers that are friendly to beginners. )
A collection of secure encryption examples for encrypting strings and binary data.
Phoenix Liveview Counter Tutorial
🤯 beginners tutorial building a real time counter in Phoenix 1.5.5 + LiveView 0.14.7 ⚡️
React Redux Boilerplate
It is a boilerplate of React-Redux as the infrastructure, which helps to setup a Web APP quickly
Ultimate Go
This repo contains my notes on working with Go and computer systems.
Spring Boot Reactive Example
ตัวอย่างการเขียน Java Spring-boot Reactive (WebFlux)
Stm32 Dma Uart
Efficient DMA timeout mechanism for peripheral DMA configured in circular mode demonstrated on a STM32 microcontroller.
Entitas 2d Roguelike
Rewrite of the Unity 2D Roguelike example using the Entitas Entity Component System
UGin is an API boilerplate written in Go (Golang) with Gin Framework.
Cake example repository
Go Examples
examples written using golang third party packages.
Playground for Kotlin Coroutines. Basics, Channels, Flows, useful examples & comparison to RxJava.
documentation package for Go conventions
The source for
Ios11 Pdfkit Example
Sample code for PDFKit on iOS 11.
Android Ocrsample
Android OCR example application which uses Google Text Recognition API
Jni By Examples
🎇Fun Java JNI By Examples - with CMake and C++ (or C, of course!) ‼️ Accepting PRs
Kubernetes Elastic Stack
How to set up the Elastic stack on Kubernetes
A recipe for using Buffalo & Vue.js
Flame Crates Example
This is an example game made using the 🔥 Flame Engine
Play Java Websocket Example
Example Play Java application showing Websocket usage with Akka actors
Everest Ios
iOS Client for
Tensorflow Cifar 10
Cifar-10 CNN implementation using TensorFlow library with 20% error.
Loopback4 Example Microservices
Deprecated - please use
cesium demo,cesium 研究过程中资料整理,包括: 1、示例,提供常规的cesium示例以及综合性的业务示例 2、工具,整理研究过程中写的一些数据获取、处理、分析的工具,例如网络3dtiles数据爬虫工具、b3dm 转 gltf工具 3、插件,根据研究过程中cesium感觉使用不方便的地方,添加插件,包括针对显示控件的汉化中文语言插件等
The Starting Code for the Core API Fundamentals course using ASP.NET Core course on Pluralsight
Android Sdk Examples
Example applications for IndoorAtlas Android SDK
Angular6 Example
In this article we will be building an Angular 6 application step by step from scratch with sample example. We will be generating our Angular 6 Hero application using angular CLI and then modify it to have a user management project where there will be a login screen for an admin and post login he can perform CRUD operations such as create, read, update and delete user with the sample REST API exposed using HttpClientModule.
Postcss Modules Example
How to use postcss-modules plugin
Fantas Eel And Specification
Examples and exercises from the blog series
Seed Rs Realworld
Exemplary real world application built with Seed
Component Pattern For Angular Js 1 X
Example of implementation of Component pattern for Angular JS 1.X using ES6 & Webpack
The Python Standard Library By Example
《Python3 标准库》电子书和配套代码 "The Python Standard Library by Example" ebook and source code 一本又厚又全的讲解Python3标准库的书籍(1000多页)适合当作字典参考或者闲暇时慢慢阅读。
Aws Sam Golang Example
An example API and Worker written in Golang using the Amazon Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM)
Elm Todomvc
The TodoMVC app written in Elm, nice example for beginners.
✭ 1,180
Simple Mvp Retrofit Example
A simple example of a project using MVP architecture and Retrofit 2.0 library for Android for beginners.
61-120 of 555 example projects