Top 936 frontend open source projects

🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
Front End Checklist
🗂 The perfect Front-End Checklist for modern websites and meticulous developers
Frontend web application framework in Ruby using Opal.
Fe Cookbook
HTML/CSS & JavaScript, Web and related. 前端手册
The minimalist, obvious, graphical, web application interface
Build frontend web apps with Ruby and WebAssembly
📋 A Frontend Checklist for Websites
Free Programming Resources
💎 免费的编程资源大全,持续更新!🔥 覆盖各种语言和方向(Java \ Python \ C++ \ JavaScript \ Golang \ 前端 \ 后端等)的学习路线、贴心教程、项目实战、编程书籍、面试合集、实用资源等,对程序员非常有帮助!
Full Stack Fastapi Couchbase
Full stack, modern web application generator. Using FastAPI, Couchbase as database, Docker, automatic HTTPS and more.
kEdge - Kubernetes Edge Proxy for gRPC and HTTP Microservices
Project Based Learning Frontend
List of Project based Tutorials for frontend development
Gulp Front
Frontend boilerplate and framework based on gulp, pug, stylus and babel
A Node.js application built to read JSON and translate it into HTML
Frontend Developer Roadmap
📘 Front-end developer roadmap in 2021. This repository aims to collect the most important concepts of front-end.
Tech for web
ClojureScript library for Ant Design React UI components
🥊 Technical Knockout – The Monorepo for Knockout.js (4.0+)
Frontend Boilerplate
An ES20XX starter with common frontend tasks using Webpack 4 as module bundler and npm scripts as task runner.
Awesome Design Systems
A curated list of bookmarks, resources and articles about design systems focused on developers.
📚 前端手册 & 个人学习总结博客
Topluluk Rehberi
Geliştiriciler için topluluk rehberi
Frontend Wikis
Front-End Wikis ,Learning JavaScript、Vue.js、Node.js 、other information ect
Awesome Learning
Awesome Learning - Learn JavaScript and Front-End Fundamentals at your own pace
macOS Mojave v. 10.14 setup for developers.
Devextreme Vue
Vue UI and data visualization components
🎨 Vue.js components implementing Microsoft Fluent Design
⚓️ Easily test HTTP webhooks with this handy tool that displays requests instantly.
Convert any image to pure CSS. Recreates images using only box-shadows.
🏁🌐 Frontend Svelte PWA starter for SaaS startups
Koa Vue Notes Web
🤓 This is a simple SPA built using Koa as the backend, Vue as the first frontend, and React as the second frontend. Features MySQL integration, user authentication, CRUD note actions, and Vuex store modules.
Osrm Frontend
Modular rewrite of the OSRM frontend using LRM
Awesome Casestudy
📕 Curated list of technical case studies on WebGL and creative development
Easily add a full Laravel blog (with built in admin panel and public views) to your laravel project with this simple package.
Frontend V2
The frontend of the Penguin Statistics website.
✭ 198
This repo is a one stop destination to find resources for learning various domains. You can find the roadmap for any domain here.
Wp User Frontend
A WordPress plugin that brings many backend functionality to the site frontend
An experimental next-gen frontend framework for the Web in Rust.
Bootstrap Italia
Bootstrap Italia è un tema Bootstrap 4 conforme alle linee guida di design per i servizi web della PA
Maratona Discover 01
Projeto construído durante o MaratonaDiscover #01
X Ray
Visual debugger for your HTML, executable via a bookmark
A lightweight, customizable omnibox in Javascript, for use with a Jina backend.
1-60 of 936 frontend projects