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Top 1949 webpack open source projects

Webpack Encore
A simple but powerful API for processing & compiling assets built around Webpack
Webpack Fast Refresh
React Fast Refresh plugin and loader for webpack
React Webpack 5 Tailwind 2
React 17 Boilerplate with Webpack 5, Tailwind 2, using babel, SASS/PostCSS, HMR, dotenv and an optimized production build
Webpack learning journal and awesome resources.
Webpack Multi Page
webpack 前端多页项目工程
Terminal In React
👨‍💻 A component that renders a terminal
Babel Plugin Webpack Alias
babel 6 plugin which allows to use webpack resolve options
Universal React+GraphQL starter kit: React 16, Apollo 2, MobX, Emotion, Webpack 4, GraphQL Code Generator, React Router 4, PostCSS, SSR
Clean Webpack Plugin
By default, this plugin will remove all files inside webpack's output.path directory, as well as all unused webpack assets after every successful rebuild.
Angularjs Typescript Webpack
AngularJS 1.7, typescript 3 and webpack 4 starter project based on angular tutorial
a project using react antd webpack es6
Webpack Babel Multi Target Plugin
A Webpack plugin that works with Babel to allow differential loading - production deployment of ES2015 builds targeted to modern browsers, with an ES5 fallback for legacy browsers.
Pixi Seed
Pixi.js project seed with ES6 and webpack
Azure Functions Pack
Easily package your Node.js Functions for Azure Functions
Word2vec Spam Filter
Using word vectors to classify spam messages
Generator Phaser Plus
[🛑 DISCONTINUED] It has been a long journey but development of `generator-phaser-plus` is now over. I recommend you have a look and fork `yandeu/phaser-project-template` instead.
Angular1 Webpack Starter
Component based Angular(1.x) web development with Webpack and ES6.
Devopenclub Tech Webpack2
Webpack 2 视频教程课程源码
Obsolete Webpack Plugin
🌈 A Webpack plugin generates a browser-side standalone script that detects browser compatibility based on `Browserslist` and prompts website users to upgrade it.
A Simple & Fast Node.js Blogging Platform Base On ThinkJS3 & React & ES2015+
Vue Webgulp
Vue.js + Webpack + Gulp + Vue Loader
Bs Loader
📻 Bucklescript loader for Webpack and Jest
Awesome Chrome Extension Boilerplate
Use react + typescript + webpack to enhance your chrome extension development experience
Admin dashboard for enterprise Laravel applications built by VueJS and Element UI
Breko Hub
Babel React Koa Hot Universal Boilerplate
Vue Cli Multi Page
基于vue-cli模板的多页面多路由项目,一个PC端页面入口,一个移动端页面入口,且有各自的路由, vue+webpack+vue-router+vuex+mock+axios
Bundle Stats
In-depth bundle analyzer for webpack(bundle size, assets, modules, packages)
React Starter Kit
完美使用 React, Redux, and React-Router!超好用的脚手架
Worker Plugin
👩‍🏭 Adds native Web Worker bundling support to Webpack.
Front-End Boilerplate built with React + Babel + Webpack + SASS
Typescript Webpack Tree Shaking
Tree-shaking example with Typescript and Webpack
Micro Starter
[Deprecated] 🔷 Basic (opinionated) starter kit for a micro app with webpack build
React Permissible
👮‍♂️Making the permission management for React components easier.
snAppy is a VS Code extension coupled with an interactive view to support your React front-end delivery.
Modern Wasm Starter
🛸 Run C++ code on web and create blazingly fast websites! A starter template to easily create WebAssembly packages using type-safe C++ bindings with automatic TypeScript declarations.
Apicloud + Vue2 + Vant(有赞前端)+ Webpack4打包,极速开发APP框架,将apicloud的渲染效率和vue数据绑定特性发挥极致!
Webpack Require From
Webpack plugin that allows to configure path or URL for fetching dynamic imports
Phaser Project Template Es6
Phaser 3 - Starter Template with ES6 (ESNext features included) and webpack.
Vue 2 Webpack 4 Boilerplate
Ready to use Vue 2+ project with webpack 4 configuration for development and production
Vue3 Bigdata
Single file components for Rails with Vue JS and Webpack
241-300 of 1949 webpack projects