Top 516 ros open source projects

a bidirectional ros to gstreamer bridge and utilities for dynamic pipelines
cloud to map
Algorithm that converts point cloud data into an occupancy grid
sp segmenter
Superpixel-based semantic segmentation, with object pose estimation and tracking. Provided as a ROS package.
aerial autonomy
Easily extendable package for interacting with and defining state machines for autonomous aerial systems
Install the realsense-ros library on NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit.
scout ros
This repository ROS package is suit for scout 2 and scout mini
darknet ros
Robotics Operating System Package for Yolo v3 based on darknet with optimized tracking using Kalman Filter and Optical Flow.
Install the ROS stack, MIT RACECAR Packages, and hardware support on RACECAR/J.
raspimouse sim
ROS package suite for Raspberry Pi Mouse Simulator
turtlebot3 behavior demos
Example repository for autonomous behaviors using TurtleBot3, as well as Docker + Make workflows in ROS based projects.
node example
ROS node examples with parameter server, dynamic reconfigure, timers, and custom messages for C++ and Python.
dvrk env
Accurate URDF and SDF models of Intuitive Surgical's daVinici Research Kit (dVRK)
ros openvino
A ROS package to wrap openvino inference engine and get it working with Myriad and GPU
indires navigation
ROS packages for ground robot navigation and exploration
phidgets drivers
ROS drivers for various Phidgets devices
costmap depth camera
This is a costmap plugin for costmap_2d pkg. This plugin supports multiple depth cameras and run in real time.
Use the Intel D435 real-sensing camera to realize object detection based on the Yolov3-5 framework under the Opencv DNN(old version)/TersorRT(now) by ROS-melodic.Real-time display of the Pointcloud in the camera coordinate system.
ros hadoop
Hadoop splittable InputFormat for ROS. Process rosbag with Hadoop Spark and other HDFS compatible systems.
ws moveit
This ROS melodic workspace is created on Ubuntu 18.04. Here I worked on moveit & MTC projects like Pick, Place, Pouring task for multi-manipulator system using MoveIt Task Constructor(MTC).
HandsFree Open Source Robot Project
hybrid planning experiments
Sampler + Optimizing Motion Planning Demonstrations
Aruco marker detector and pose estimation for AR and Robotics with ROS support
segment global planner
A ROS global planner plugin for segments tracking
OpenRAVE Controller Plugin for UR5 (Universal Robots UR5) Robot
Turtlebot Navigation
This project was completed on May 15, 2015. The goal of the project was to implement software system for frontier based exploration and navigation for turtlebot-like robots.
Autonomous Quadrotor Landing
phoxi camera
ROS Package for PhoXi Scanner/Camera. If you like us, STAR US! :P
Android app to navigate using Tango services as input.
🐣 An IDE for building ROS applications
katana driver
This stack contains hardware drivers, Gazebo plugins and other basic functionalities for the Neuronics Katana family of robot arms.
Rclex: ROS 2 Client Library for Elixir
Autoware Toolbox
MATLAB/Simulink sample code suite for Autoware.
ros jetson stats
🐢 The ROS jetson-stats wrapper. The status of your NVIDIA jetson in diagnostic messages
A skill-based platform for ROS v.2
Emacs Configuration
Emacs Configuration Using Purcell's Structure
A complete end-to-end demonstration in which we collect training data in Unity and use that data to train a deep neural network to predict the pose of a cube. This model is then deployed in a simulated robotic pick-and-place task.
🤖 Elaborated hand-eye calibration tutorials (ROS-binding)
ros tensorflow
This repo introduces how to integrate Tensorflow framework into ROS with object detection API.
raspimouse book info
「Raspberry Piで学ぶ ROSロボット入門」の情報ポータル
spinnaker sdk camera driver
Point Grey (FLIR) Spinnaker based camera driver (Blackfly S etc.)
ur ws
Universal robot with robotiq hand workspace
301-360 of 516 ros projects